【公教新闻】| 教宗突然造访游乐园:谢谢你们逗人欢笑Pope thanks circus workers for the smiles they bring to people's faces
下午3点5分,罗马温度高达摄氏35度,教宗坐着白色菲亚特500L来到杂技艺人和马戏团员团体,收到了让南格罗(Geneviève Jeanningro)修女的两个飞吻。现年81岁的让南格罗是耶稣贫穷小姐妹会修女,56年来在露营车里工作,她与同会姐妹阿梅莉亚(Anna Amelia)修女一起安排了这次访问。教宗每逢周三公开接见活动都会见到让南格罗修女,这位年迈却依然精力充沛的修女多年来将居无定所者、马戏团员和性少数群体(Lgbt+)带到教宗身边。
让南格罗修女拥抱了教宗,用带着法国口音的意大利语说道:“您送给我们莫大的喜乐!”与教宗同行的是附近和平之后圣母堂的主任司铎帕塔内(Giovanni Vincenzo Patané)神父。

Pope Francis pays an afternoon visit to Luna Park in Ostia Lido (southwest of Rome) where he meets with carnival and circus workers who live there assisted by Sisters Geneviève Jeanningros and Anna Amelia who provide pastoral care to them.
By Salvatore Cernuzio
Pope Francis took a break from his July "summer vacation" to spend the afternoon of Wednesday 31 July visiting with workers and those who offer pastoral assistance to them at a historic amusement park just about an hour southwest of Rome. Travelling to the Luna Park of Ostia Lido, the Pope gave them his warm wishes and support, saying he wished to personally express his gratitude as they help bring smiles on the faces of people.
Blessing of the statue of Our Lady
The Pope stopped for a few moments on his arrival, making the sign of the cross, before the image of the Blessed Mother, where a sign read "We need Our Lady to be our protector."
Sister Geneviéve's welcome
Arriving at around 3.05pm in 35-degree heat (95° Farenheit) with the Fiat 500 L advancing between swing sets and bumper cars, Pope Francis was greeted by French Sister Geneviève Jeanningros, a member of the Little Sisters of Jesus for over 56 years now. She was accompanied by her fellow Sister Anna Amelia. The Little Sisters of Jesus draw their inspiration from the writings and witness of Saint Charles de Foucauld who made service to his poorest brothers and sisters his life passion. Sister Geneviéve has met Pope Francis on previous occasions, bringing various groups she has assisted over the years to meet the Pope at the conclusion of the Wednesday General Audience.
Meeting with the people
Exclaiming "what a great joy you give us!," Sister Geneviéve together with the parish priest of the nearby Regina Pacis parish, Fr. Giovanni Vincenzo Patané, brought the Pope into a room used for children's birthday parties. Thunderous applause resounded as Pope entered with his wheelchair and his assistants holding candies and rosaries to hand out to everyone.
The Pope took the microphone and said a few words, saying "I thank you all for what you do to make people smile...thank you for helping to bring joy.”
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